Special Message from Minister of Music
Dear Powell’s Chapel family,
For the last 18 years, it has been an honor and my distinct pleasure to serve as the minister of music for this church. However, after many months of prayer, and conversations with Bethany, our family, and Todd, and other Godly friends, God has shown me that it is time to step away from my ministry here at Powell’s Chapel, therefore, I am submitting my resignation as your Minister of Music. My last Sunday with you will be March 26, 2017.
Over the last two months, God has revealed to me that He has something else for me to do, and for me to be most effective for His service I must step outside of my comfort zone and follow Him. As many of you know, I am seeking a Master’s degree in Christian Studies in continued preparation for what God has planned for me and He is showing me that this change is another step in that preparation. I am not leaving Powell’s Chapel to serve in another church, but am taking some time away from the ministry to prepare for the next chapter God has in store for my life.
This was an extremely difficult decision and I did not enter into it lightly and for several months I tried to avoid it altogether. God, however, over the last month especially, turned up the volume and I could no longer ignore His voice. Peace in this decision came slowly. Bethany will tell you I changed my mind several times over as I worried about Powell’s Chapel and struggled with fear of losing the mentorship and friendship I have enjoyed with Todd. After all of these fears were voiced and prayed over, God stepped in and said that He has something else for me and reminded me of His sovereignty over all these things. This reminder brought the peace that I desperately needed to be able to stand in front of you now and deliver this difficult message.
My heart is extremely sad because I will not be a part of Powell’s Chapel’s continued journey and I will miss leading you in worship every Sunday. There are so many memories that will be forever etched in the fabric of our family. Powell’s Chapel will always be our home and will always be in our prayers. However, I am excited for what God has in store for our family as we seek where the Lord would have us serve next and we ask for your prayers as we seek His next steps for us.
In Christ Alone,
Jon Hawkins